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Quickly extend remote work solutions with Teleworker by CISCO

Cisco Recently lunch a Completely fresh out of the box Solution called Teleworker.For the recent pandemic remote work has become the number one important thing for those who don't wanna lose their job during this pandemic.Teleworker has some amazing features and also some benefits.

Cisco put some thoughts on Teleworkers :

Three principles to keep in mind through these challenging times:-

Individually take care of yourself, and your families – stay safe, stay healthy and breathe!

Take care of each other – check in with your colleagues and employees so folks know they are not alone.

Take care of your customers – whatever it takes. Be confident your teams will do the right thing to get your customers what they need in these ever-changing times.

Best Features of Teleworker:-

1. It's easy to work a 16-hour day from home .

2. Avoid bringing work into the family environment.

3. Manage your home time carefully.

4. Be respectful and patient of other team members' home office environments.

5. Structure your day with breaks.


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